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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Family and Friends Social at Deer Springs Winery

The Deer Springs Winery visit, scheduled for Sunday, the 22nd of Sept, is shaping up with food, wine, and live entertainment for around $25 a head. This event is all about socializing and recuriting interested individuals for membership and/or involvement in military support organizations like Navy League, Reserve Officers Association, Sub Vets, and the Association of Naval Aviation.

It will be open, by invitation, to all local military affiliated support organizations, and sponsored friends, neighbors and family (we need to know who is coming and have payment by 13 Sept RSVP date). Sponsorship and payment can be made through your organizational sponsor; Navy League, Retired Officer's Association, Submarine Vets, and Association of Naval Aviation members.

Please make plans to attend on Sunday, the 22nd of Sept '13 for what promises to be a very enjoyable and most memorable event. RSVP through your sponsor contact who will provide a final head-count and payment no later than 13 Sep '13.

This promises to be a great early Fall opportunity to enjoy food, song and wine; while getting to know a little more about the volunteer orngaizations who support our active and reserve military and local ROTC!

Monday, August 5, 2013

20 August '13 GP 107 Sq Meeting at Famous Dave's

Please join us for our upcoming squadron meeting at Famous Dave's Restaurant on 20 Aug '13.
Location: Famous Dave’s BBQ, Millard, NE  * Directions:

Planned agenda for this meeting is as follows:
1800 hrs. - social and introductions

-RADM Haley introduction and remarks (Tentatively)

-Golf outing wrap up

-Winery visit discussion and cost - schedule for 22 Sep, '13

-Strategic plan update

-Financial and Non-profit status update

-Membership update

-Organizational leadership adjustments and approval
     - *Kudos and BZ to Breeze McCool as he moves to general membership status

-Open discussion and recommendations


*Breeze was the prime mover in the establishment and stand-up of our squadron, without his persistence and determination, we would not have gotten off the ground.  He is stepping aside as our Executive Officer and joining the roles of general membership.  We value his hard work, many hours and the leadership it took to get to the end of the catapult stroke and start the squadron toward its mission objectives.