Since our previous meeting was in August '13 at Deer Springs Winery (and thanks again to Deer Springs Winery & Staff) we benefited from the unseasonal weather and held the final 2013squadron meeting to discuss 2014 upcoming issues.
- Second annual golf tournament, May 30th at Willow Lakes
- Navy Week in Omaha, July '14
- Navy day with the Blue Angles during next year's air show at Offutt (yes, the Blues have a 2014 schedule!) GP 107 Sporsorship for the Blue Angel media ride.
During the mid-December pizza parlor meeting in LaVista, NE we also discussed support for the UNL ROTC sword presentation and contribution to the Papillion/La Vista JNROTC scholarship fund. Subsequent approval by majority email vote authorized the donation of $150.00 toward these items to the Navy League (Nebraska Counsel).
On the business side, I have been in continuous coordination with our Navy League partners and we have started coordination for the second annual golf tournament and for Navy Week in Omaha participation and support; coming in July '14!
Finally, Diamond provided the status of our non-profit application is that it is under review and processing by the federal government. The cost of submission was $400.
What's next:
Since Ragazzi has good food and a room off the main floor for our meeting; I propose we have our next regular squadron meeting (Thursday, 27 Feb 14) at1830 hrs, at Ragazzi as well.
The menu can be found on-line (pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salads)
Best regards, Joe Gershon - Ops