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Saturday, March 1, 2014

February '14 Squadron Meeting - Annual Report and Officer Elections

Status report for Nebraska based GP-107 Squadron; one year after official commissioning

1830 hrs meeting at Big Fred's Pizza on 27 Feb '14 -

During our Feb '14 regular squadron meeting, in which there were a quorum of members, we held a general business meeting, reviewed the status of and way ahead for our four core squadron objectives and elected new officers to key positions.

Squadron status:

-Membership - holding steady

-Associations - healthy and expanding network

-Funding - healthy

-Service - needs emphasis - working to leverage the Navy Week in Omaha and Blue Angel Airshow in this year's strategic goals.

BLUF: internal squadron priorities for the first year in existence, but have made good progress. Focus for next year; recruiting new membership and more community/civic involvement.

Key activities for future engagement:

May 30, 2014 - All Service Golf outing at Willow Lakes GC
Navy Week in Omaha - July '14
Offutt/Blue Angel Air Show - July '14
Annual Winery All Service Gathering - Sept '14

Nomination and election of new officers positions effective 27 Feb '14:

Jim - Out-going CO - Thanks for your leadership and contributions to the squadron standup

Joe - In-coming - CO;

Diamond - In-coming - XO;

Mike - In-coming - Ops;

Tom - In-coming Admin/PAO (pending)

Plan of the Day for 2014 - Remain on course. Strengthen teaming with other Navy centric organizations, engage and leverage this year's Navy Week in Omana and associated Blue Angel Air Show at Offutt AFB. Increase emphasis on recrutiing new members and working to increase organizational visibility in the community.

Best regards!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

December Great Plains 107 Squadron Meeting

Since our previous meeting was in August '13 at Deer Springs Winery (and thanks again to Deer Springs Winery & Staff) we benefited from the unseasonal weather and held the final 2013squadron meeting to discuss 2014 upcoming issues.

- Second annual golf tournament, May 30th at Willow Lakes

- Navy Week in Omaha, July '14

- Navy day with the Blue Angles during next year's air show at Offutt (yes, the Blues have a 2014 schedule!) GP 107 Sporsorship for the Blue Angel media ride.

During the mid-December pizza parlor meeting in LaVista, NE we also discussed support for the UNL ROTC sword presentation and contribution to the Papillion/La Vista JNROTC scholarship fund. Subsequent approval by majority email vote authorized the donation of $150.00 toward these items to the Navy League (Nebraska Counsel).

On the business side, I have been in continuous coordination with our Navy League partners and we have started coordination for the second annual golf tournament and for Navy Week in Omaha participation and support; coming in July '14!

Finally, Diamond provided the status of our non-profit application is that it is under review and processing by the federal government. The cost of submission was $400.

What's next:
Since Ragazzi has good food and a room off the main floor for our meeting; I propose we have our next regular squadron meeting (Thursday, 27 Feb 14) at1830 hrs, at Ragazzi as well.

The menu can be found on-line (pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salads)

Best regards, Joe Gershon - Ops